Adapter for VM Ware vSphere objects.
Module Contents
Nautobot adapter for DiffSync. |
Create an IPV4 or IPV4 object. |
Calculcate total disk capacity. |
- nautobot_ssot_vsphere.diffsync.adapters.adapter_vsphere.create_ipaddr(address: str)
Create an IPV4 or IPV4 object.
- nautobot_ssot_vsphere.diffsync.adapters.adapter_vsphere.get_disk_total(disks: List)
Calculcate total disk capacity.
- class nautobot_ssot_vsphere.diffsync.adapters.adapter_vsphere.VsphereDiffSync(job, sync, client: nautobot_ssot_vsphere.utilities.vsphere_client.VsphereClient, cluster_filter, *args, **kwargs)
Nautobot adapter for DiffSync.
- load_cluster_groups()
Load Cluster Groups (DataCenters).
- load_virtualmachines(cluster, diffsync_cluster)
Load Virtual Machines.
- load_ip_addresses(vsphere_vm_interfaces, mac_address, diffsync_vminterface)
Load VM IP Addresses into Interfaces.
Compare the current NIC MAC to grab any IP’s associated.
- load_primary_ip(ipv4_addresses: List, ipv6_addresses: List, diffsync_virtualmachine)
Determine Primary IP of Virtual Machine.
- load_vm_interfaces(vsphere_virtual_machine, vm_id, diffsync_virtualmachine)
Load VM Interfaces.
- load_data()
Load all clusters from vSphere.
- load_standalone_vms()
Load all VM’s from vSphere.
- load()
Load data from vSphere.