:py:mod:`nautobot_ssot_vsphere.diffsync.adapters.adapter_nautobot` ================================================================== .. py:module:: nautobot_ssot_vsphere.diffsync.adapters.adapter_nautobot .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Adapter for Nautobot objects. Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: nautobot_ssot_vsphere.diffsync.adapters.adapter_nautobot.NautobotDiffSync .. py:class:: NautobotDiffSync(job, sync, sync_vsphere_tagged_only: bool, cluster_filter: nautobot.virtualization.models.Cluster, *args, **kwargs) Bases: :py:obj:`nautobot_ssot_vsphere.diffsync.adapters.shared.DiffSyncModelAdapters` Nautobot adapter for DiffSync. .. py:attribute:: objects_to_delete .. py:attribute:: _cluster :annotation: :ClassVar[Any] .. py:attribute:: _clustergroup :annotation: :ClassVar[Any] .. py:attribute:: _virtualmachine :annotation: :ClassVar[Any] .. py:attribute:: _vminterface :annotation: :ClassVar[Any] .. py:attribute:: _ipaddress :annotation: :ClassVar[Any] .. py:method:: sync_complete(source: diffsync.DiffSync, *args, **kwargs) Clean up function for DiffSync sync. Once the sync is complete, this function runs deleting any objects from Nautobot that need to be deleted in a specific order. Args: source (DiffSync): DiffSync .. py:method:: get_initial_cluster(ssot_tag: nautobot.extras.models.Tag) Identify the site objects based on user defined job inputs. Args: ssot_tag (Tag): Tag used for filtering .. py:method:: load_clustergroups() Load Cluster Groups. This can be impacted by the Cluster Filter. .. py:method:: get_initial_vms(ssot_tag: nautobot.extras.models.Tag) Identify the VirtualMachine objects based on user defined job inputs. Args: ssot_tag (Tag): Tag used for filtering .. py:method:: load_virtual_machines(ssot_tag: nautobot.extras.models.Tag) Load Nautobot Virtual Machines. .. py:method:: load_ipaddress(nautobot_vm_interface, diffsync_vminterface, diffsync_vm_object) Load Interface IP Addresses. .. py:method:: load_vm_interfaces(nautobot_virtual_machine, diffsync_vm_object) Load VM Interfaces. .. py:method:: load_clusters(ssot_tag) Load Clusters. .. py:method:: load_data() Add Nautobot Site objects as DiffSync Location models. .. py:method:: load() Load data from Nautobot.